Your Property. Our Priority.

Weed Free Gardens with Pre Emergent



Weed Free Gardens (with Pre-Emergent) – Round 1


What was done?

Today we applied a pre-emergent to reduce weed seed growth in your landscape beds. We also treated live weeds in your beds as needed.


What you can expect:

It may take up to two weeks to see a change to existing weeds during colder temperatures. The pre-emergent will control at least 80% of the weeds growing from seed before they ever get started.  This application is ‘over the top’ which means it will help control the weeds growing up through your existing plants.


Did you know?

Green Giant Home & Commercial also provides residential and commercial Pest Control services!  Please contact us today to see how we might be able to help you with your pest control needs.


Service Calls:  

All programs include free inspections.  These inspections cover all areas that are addressed in your program.  We will keep working until you are completely satisfied!


All of our programs are based on the principles of  Integrated Pest Management (IPM) which is an environmentally friendly and effective approach to controlling damaging insects, diseases and invasive plants. For more information about IPM click here.