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Controlling & Preventing Springtime Dandelions

Whenever Spring decides to actually show up this year, your yard may turn from green to yellow within a couple of days. It may feel like the end of the world… or at least the end of your home’s curb appeal.

For everyone who loves a barefoot lawn and the attractive appearance of a deep emerald-green lawn, there is no greater scourge than the dreaded Spring dandelion.  What most people don’t realize is that those pesky dandelions were most likely growing last Fall.

Dandelions are perennial weeds, which means that they can survive the winter months and persist from year to year.  Dandelion seeds can germinate almost any time of the year and typically bloom most prolifically in late April through May.

The Best Times for Dandelion Prevention

Why is this important to know? Because the Fall is the best time to prevent Spring weed problems such as dandelion, clover, and plantain.  If you’re not treating your lawn for weeds in the early fall, you’re missing one of the best opportunities to prevent Springtime weeds.

But what do you do now?  It’s Spring and you have a sea of yellow flowers!  Not to worry, weed control is very effective at this time of the year as well.  Spring dandelion control can take two to four weeks, but it’s a great time to begin building a better lawn.

Take Control of Your Lawn

Springtime dandelions may be annoying, but they can be controlled by the expertly trained staff at Green Giant Home & Commercial. If the yellow scourge is taking over your lawn, give us a call or fill out a contact form. We’ll help you control those pesky weeds and turn up your curb appeal!