Lawn Care – Late Summer Application
Late Summer Fertilization & Weed Control
The late summer application begins to set the lawn up for its annual fall growth spurt. Controlling weeds and adding nutrients to the soil necessary to support the upcoming growth will help the lawn thicken up. If seeding is needed this fertilizer reserve will be available as the seed begins to grow.
What was done?
Today we applied:
- Granular, Balanced Blend of Fertilizer specifically designed for summer conditions. (This fertilizer has a controlled release component so your lawn is ‘fed’ when moisture is present.)
- Broadleaf Weed Control (We spot treat weeds in your lawn if weather conditions permit). Click here for a list of Controllable weeds included in your program.
What you can expect:
The fertilizer will enhance your lawn’s color & density and will also improve heat/drought tolerance. Typically fertilizer response is visible in 10 to 14 days WITH ADEQUATE SOIL MOISTURE. It will last 6-8 weeks if proper mowing techniques are utilized. The controlled release nature of the fertilizer will provide the nutrients to the lawn over this 6-8 week period with no burn potential.
What you can do to benefit most from today’s visit:
Mowing should be done only on an as needed basis when there is adequate soil moisture, and preferably not in the heat of the day. Raising your mower to its highest setting is also very important. These mowing practices will markedly increase your lawn’s tolerance to summer stress.
Beneficial services to consider:
Now is a great time to schedule your Core Aeration with Overseeding. After summer, core aeration is the best way to keep your lawn thick, green, and healthy. Aeration decreases compaction, promotes thicker rooting and reduces thatch. The overseeding will thicken sparse areas and introduce improved, more resistant grass varieties into your lawn. Please call us today to schedule this valuable service!
You are free to go on the lawn after the material has dried, which can take up to two hours depending on weather conditions. Small children and pets should remain off the lawn until the material has dried.
If you see any Surface Insects on your lawn between visits, please contact us for control options.