Lawn Care – Late Spring Application
Late Spring Weed Control & Fertilizer Application
Spring is here!
The lawns are awakening along with the weeds. Fertilizer is most important now to encourage growth and recovery from damage caused this past winter. Broadleaf weeds are more vulnerable to control measures used at this time of year. Rapid weed growth helps distribute the control materials throughout the plant ensuring thorough control.
What was done?
Today we applied:
- Granular (dry) Fertilizer*
- Liquid Broadleaf Weed Control. (We spot treat weeds in your lawn if weather conditions permit). Click here for a list of Controllable weeds included in your program.
- Pre and Early Post Emergent Crabgrass Control
*The fertilizer contains both fast and controlled release materials.
What you can expect:
The fertilizer will enhance your lawn’s color and density without causing ‘Surge Growth’.
Fertilizer is important now since the grass plants deplete their reserves of nutrients over the winter.
Typically, fertilizer response on the lawn is visible in 10 to 14 days and will last 6 to 7 weeks.
If your lawn was seeded either last fall or this spring, the fertilizer will greatly benefit those seedlings.
Broadleaf weeds such as dandelion & clover will be controlled with this application. Rapid weed growth at this time of the year helps distribute the weed control materials throughout the plant ensuring thorough results. Click here to view a list of Controllable weeds included in your program.
You can expect to see weeds begin to curl and wilt within 5 – 7 days. (This may take longer during cooler temperatures). After several mowings, the weeds will break down.
If weeds do not show signs of curling after one week, please contact us and we will be back to address them with another weed control application at no charge. If weeds are present after 4 weeks, please call and we will schedule your next application.
What you can do to benefit most from today’s visit:
This treatment works better when watered in within several days, but avoid irrigation for the first hour to allow the weed control to dry on the weeds. Normal spring rain will typically take care of this. If there is no rain in sight, and you want to get the fertilizer activated, it is fine to water – However, please avoid watering your lawn for two hours after the application is done to allow the weed control to dry on the weeds.
Watering at this time of year is not typically necessary – the fertilizer won’t go anywhere, it just won’t start working until it gets wet.
If possible, avoid Mowing for 24 hours to allow the broadleaf weed control to fully translocate through the weeds, into the root system.
Here are some things to remember:
Please Keep People & Pets off of the Lawn Until it Dries or for 2-4 hours.
- Mowing height is very important! Crabgrass and Weed Control materials work best when a lawn is mowed no shorter than 3 inches. There is a ‘Team Effort’ between the mowing height of the grass and the weed and crabgrass control products we use.
- Also, please do not use a weed-eater along the edges of your lawn since this will most often ‘scalp’ the grass down the thatch and allow crabgrass and other weeds to grow.
- Weeds and crabgrass will be able to grow if your lawn is mowed too short or there are thin or bare patches, regardless of the lawn care program you have. Short mowing heights may void any crabgrass control guarantees you may have in your program.
- If you have thin or bare areas in your lawn, consider seeding these area (or Green Giant can do an Aeration with Over-Seeding for you). Dense turf is needed to get the full benefits of our weed control services.
You are free to go on the lawn after the material has dried, which can take up to two hours depending on weather conditions.
Small children and pets should remain off the lawn until the material has dried.